Micro Harvest

Propagation Services

Micro Harvest™ offers strategic propagation services to farmers and genetic owners and supplies the market with hyper clean seedlings. Plant health and Client Order Alignment are our priorities.

High-health plant propagation.

Our services provide a strategic benefit to agricultural industries that rely on high health seedlings for planting on. The development of advanced control systems have enabled us to offer out of season production, shorter growth cycles, and the elimination of any prevailing environmental risk.

During the growth phase clients are updated with regular real time data of key parameters related to their order, and we encourage open business to business technical staff communications to ensure metrics and order alignments are met.

Harnessing the latest technology in lighting, sensors and climate control.

Contact us to discuss your propagation needs.

Our services provide a strategic benefit to agricultural industries that rely on high health seedlings for planting on. The development of advanced control systems have enabled us to offer out of season production, shorter growth cycles, and the elimination of any prevailing environmental risk.

Start Clean

The high health status of our facility – much like a tissue culture laboratory – is our first line of defense against pests and pathogens.

Stay Clean

Clients seedlings are housed in isolated growth chambers with no cross contamination risk from other plant material.

Year Round Growth

Plant growth is driven by our advanced dynamic LED production lights, allowing precision steering of growth parameters for each individual crop and growth phase.

Plant Health

Within any given plant species, there is a range of pest/pathogen risks associated with the type of plant material used for plant production. To maintain the high health status of our facility we have the following measures in place.

Incoming plant material
  • Examination of plant material – visual examination, sampling and testing as required
  • Plant sterilisation treatment protocols dependant on type of plant material (e.g. application of APVMA approved crop protection products, hot water or heat treatment)
Sanitation and hygiene
  • Limited access, remote monitoring and security
  • Personal hygiene (e.g. hand washing, gloves, foot baths, coveralls)
  • Disinfection of tools and equipment
  • Treatment of water – antibacterial pleated pre-filters and UV treatment
  • Segregation of irrigation zones – ebb and flow irrigation
Pest/pathogen exclusion
  • Positive air pressure, indoor chambers
  • Intake air filtration
  • Disinfection of growing media and containers used to grow plants
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