Micro Harvest™ offers strategic propagation services to farmers and genetic owners and supplies the market with hyper clean seedlings. Plant health and Client Order Alignment are our priorities.
Our services provide a strategic benefit to agricultural industries that rely on high health seedlings for planting on. The development of advanced control systems have enabled us to offer out of season production, shorter growth cycles, and the elimination of any prevailing environmental risk.
The high health status of our facility – much like a tissue culture laboratory – is our first line of defense against pests and pathogens.
Clients seedlings are housed in isolated growth chambers with no cross contamination risk from other plant material.
Plant growth is driven by our advanced dynamic LED production lights, allowing precision steering of growth parameters for each individual crop and growth phase.
Within any given plant species, there is a range of pest/pathogen risks associated with the type of plant material used for plant production. To maintain the high health status of our facility we have the following measures in place.
Protected cropping is a technology based investment, the higher the level of technology used, the greater potential for achieving optimum growing conditions.
This level of control is strongly related to the productivity and health of the seedlings supplied, and ultimately sets the grower up for a good season.